Liebster Award

Published September 15, 2012 by ReptileMonarch

PolishAlcoholic nominated me to the Liebster award!
OMG, OMG, OMG!!! My first blog award nomination!! Yay!
Liebster is a German word for “dearest”, and the award is for new bloggers with less than 200 followers.

Here are the rules:
1) Post eleven facts about yourself
2) Answer the questions the tagger has set for you and create eleven questions for people you’ve nominated
3) Choose eleven people to give this award to (with fewer than 200 followers) and link them in your post
4) Go to their page and tell them
5) Remember, no tag backs

So, first 11 things about myself:

1. I live on a ship most of the year, it’s a river cruising vessel on the Danube, Main, and Rhine river. I am an overworked Cruise Director that would rather do her nails in her (not obligatory) daily free hour. The ship is called the Amadeus Brilliant.

2. I play (or shall I say used to play) guitar. This meant I couldn’t have long nails. Until one day, I decided to drop the guitar for a few months and grow my nails. The rest is history.

3. I am actually Transylvanian, was born in the town of Sebes (Muehlbach), but I now live in Germany, or better said… mostly on the ship.

4. I am a computer freak, I hack and I crack any troubles a PC might have. I also like smartphones.

5. I own more than 200 nailpolishes, but I try very hard not to advertise one company or the other. It’s a principle thing.

6. When I say nail art, I mean it! I must confess I tried out stamping, but it didn’t work out for me. I’d rather paint each and every nail separately.

7. If you check out my other blog, Reptile Monarch Art Division, you’ll find out that I’m also a passionate painter.

8. I like Aussies. We’ve had them a lot as passengers on the ship and they are like so cool.

9. I am deeply in love. I could cuddle all day and all night. His name is Peter.

10. I can’t wait to have my own home with an awesome, comfy interior design. I’d spend hours to make/keep it pretty.

11. I love animals, but I can’t choose between cats and dogs. I’m a cat/dog person, it’s just that cats are more comfortable to have than dogs. You don’t have to walk them and stuff.

And now, to answer the questions asked me:

1. If you could choose any job you want, regardless of your diplomas and experience, what would that be and why?
A full time artist. I can sing, play guitar, paint, draw, create for my life.
2. What is your favorite beauty brand?
Hm. I think I would have to say Max Factor.
3. If you receive one million cash, how would you spend it?
Invest it in a recording studio/art gallery/beauty salon.
4. Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter and why?
Spring. It’s my birthday and it’s not as hot/cold. Can I say i like autumn too? Especially a golden October month on the Mosel river… mmm.
5. What is your absolutely favorite food?
Mozzarella 🙂
6. If you had the option to change a part of your body what would you change and why?
My arms. They look like Xena’s.
7. Red or white wine?
Beer 🙂
8. If you could make a wish, what would that be and why?
I would wish everybody were happy and content, not moody/complaining all the time. People have lost the ability of enjoying what they have.
9. What is the one thing that you cannot leave behind when you’re going away?
At least one nailpolish.
10. What beauty product is the #1 on your wishlist?
Would it be exaggeratet if I said the karat nailpolish from Azzature? :)) No, I guess the quick-dry nail-art spray from essence.
11. What is your biggest fear?
Of my own body. You never know when/how/why it can start changing/getting sick/fat/too skinny,etc.

Ok, now the 11 questions for my nominees:

1. What is the most disgusting thing for you?
2. Would you tkae a job that requires you being away from home 90% of the year?
3. Do you like your birthday? I mean, do you really appreciate/celebrate it?
4. Do you believe in the biblical God?
5. What’s your dream car?
6. What’s your favourite nailpolish?
7. Whould you have plastic suregery done? In which conditions?
8. Do you have piercings/would you like to have some done?
9. Would you move to live in another country? And if yes, where?
10.What is your ultimate “no-go” in a potential life partner?
11. Would you let someone shave your head bald for 100.000 $?

And the nominees are:


Pfoo… That was a hard job 🙂
Have fun, enjoy! Hugs to all!

Thunder Nails

Published September 12, 2012 by ReptileMonarch

Yesterday I painted them black, shiny and beautiful with Essence colour and go. Then I said to myself, what a thunderful world.

Purple Ice Queen

Published September 12, 2012 by ReptileMonarch

Catrice – Metallilac, Essence – Glitter Stuff.
Time is eating my words.

Gradient Spring

Published September 7, 2012 by ReptileMonarch

I know, I know. Summer is almost gone. But I feel springy.
Can’t help it. And I missed doing gradient.
Well, the items I used: The Base: All Round Talent from Essence
The gradient: Astor Fashion Studio 133 and Astor Fashion Studio 136
The details: Catrice The pinker the Better, Catrice Heavy Metallilac, Catrice It’s all I can
Blue, Essence Freestyle Nailart Black
The top coat: Essence XXL Gel look


Dita von Teese nails

Published September 6, 2012 by ReptileMonarch

– Dary.

So I don’t know what was wrong with me today, but I kept thinking about Dita von Teese. She’s so beautiful, she’s so hot, she’s all a woman should be. She’s transformed langurous dancing into a fine art.
So I took my ZOYA nailpolish and my essence fine tip free style nail-art nail polish, and of course the essence crackling nail polish (to make it look like lace),
and voila!

Holo by PUPA

Published September 5, 2012 by ReptileMonarch

I tried these nail polishes out and realized that they are the most beautiful nailpolish I have ever seen. Still, I was not impressed of how it looks in plain daylight (no sun).
Anything else was Legen – wait for it

Contrasting hearts ACi/DC vs. Fred said Red

Published September 2, 2012 by ReptileMonarch

Ok, so I keep falling for the Catrice colours, right? So I said, why not try to make them love/hate eachother? Well, I made them hate eachother and they loved it.
Chect it out:

P.S.: I also added an extra make-up.
Why? Just because I could.

UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! I painted one of my essence nail art rings (amazing what they come up with). It looks SOOOO great. I’m curious now about when I will change my manicure, they say you can easily clean the ring with nail polish remover and it will still look great.
I’ll let you know! 😉

Killer Arrows

Published August 30, 2012 by ReptileMonarch

New mani today: Essence, Catrice products.

Unzip my zipper!

Published August 27, 2012 by ReptileMonarch

Woo-ha. Missed it so. Nail art freestyle. Enjoy the pics.

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